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TACO BRAID….Super Lean Ground Beef seasoned with taco seasoning, covered with shredded cheese and tomatoes, and wrapped in a braided pizza dough!

Powdered ground meat: 1 lbs / 470 grams
Pizza Veneer: 1 (refrigerated)
Lettuce: 2 cups (cutting)
Cheese: One cup (brilliant)
Mix Fiesta.
Onions: 1/2 cup (cutting)
Water Water: 1/2 cup
Homed Homemade Taco Spice: 3 tablespoons
Olive oil: 2 tablespoons
Tomato: 1 cubes, more for the decorations
unclear melted * Butter: 2 tablespoons
Gold Cream Taco Sauce for serving if desired

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