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An item that I am keeping an eye out for these days are large pots & urns that have a less-than desirable look for today’s home interior trends.

easy clay pot makeover

I found this big guy in another antique mall and it had been marked down 3 times before I decided to take it home.

easy clay pot makeover

Using my trusty black (Lincoln Cottage by Valspar) I mixed it with baking powder to thicken the paint & add a little extra texture.

easy clay pot makeover

I just kept mixing in baking powder until I was happy with the thickness but it was still easily spreadable.

easy clay pot makeover

Then I just painted on the mixture.

easy clay pot makeover
easy clay pot makeover
easy clay pot makeover

After covering the entire pot I took little handfuls of baking powder…

easy clay pot makeover

… And randomly tossed it around on different sections of the pot. I patted it into the already spread paint with the same brush.

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